поиск Гидравлический шестеренчатый насос Гидравлический мотор-редуктор Гидравлические клапаны Ударные клапаны НОВОСТИ

Ремонт и техническое обслуживание оборудования гидравлических систем


The hydraulic pump is the power source of the excavator hydraulic system, which is an energy conversion device that converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. In hydraulic excavators, hydraulic pumps are also a component with frequent failures, and once a hydraulic pump fails, it immediately affects the normal operation of the hydraulic system.

  1. The weakness of radial piston pumps in terms of structure and motion performance is the large radial force

Poor self-priming ability and high fitting accuracy between plunger and plunger hole; The machining accuracy of axial piston pump parts is required to be high. Therefore, the plunger pump requires high cleanliness of the oil, which means that the filtration accuracy of the oil in the plunger pump is higher than that of the gear pump.

  1. Vane pumps are different from gear pumps in that their normal wear is minimal and their components have a longer service life.

The main cause of blade pump failure is oil contamination, which is because the motion pair of the blade pump is well matched. When pollutants enter the friction pair, it is easy to cause abnormal jamming or wear. In addition, the self suction performance of vane pumps is not as good as that of gear pumps, especially for small displacement vane pumps. Therefore, whether the oil is clean and whether the oil suction is smooth are two issues that need special attention during the operation of vane pumps.

  1. Most common faults in gear pumps are caused by the wear of their internal friction pairs.

Its normal wear increases the radial and axial clearance (i.e. cross-sectional clearance), exacerbating the leakage phenomenon inside the gear pump. In severe cases, the holes or two side plates inside the pump cannot be repaired. In addition, the seal of the shaft is also a frequently damaged component.


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